I gave a gasp of astonishment and my jaw dropped open as I tried to digest the fact that four to six eggs, potatoes, and wheat toast; and every now and then fruit, bacon and oat meal comprised of the breakfast consumed by the Past U.S. President Mr. Barack Obama. Such a rich diet! 😲 As a matter of fact the Past President happened to be in his pink of health and was rated as one of the twenty 'Heros of Health and Fitness' in the Men's Health Magazine, October 2008 edition. It shows his passion not only for food but also to lead a healthy life. 'If some eat to live, some others live to eat.' They gorge on food, why only in the close confinements of their home, but the gourmets have a gala time binging food in restaurants, cafeterias, parties and even on street savoring the street food. With such a large appetite, I am sure they will give the comic character Dagwood Bumstead , the man with a love for food having a large appetite from the Blondie series, a run for...