Yet another busy day had come to an end. My ex-colleague Anitha and I were waiting for the bus at the bus stand to get back to the office after representing the NGO (Non Governmental Organisation) that we worked for at a charity event of a prestigious IT Company. We came across a pitiable sight of a stray dog which looked very weak, all skin and bones, sick and hungry, limping across the bus stand. We were moved by the sight. But I was overwhelmed with admiration for Anitha as she quickly sprinted to a petty shop which was located close by; bought a packet of buns and fed the ailing animal. I found this act to be very curtious and divine. It surely wasn't a surprise to me when I learn't one fine morning that Anitha had bought food from a hotel for an old beggar man who had perched on the foot path. If you have assessed Anitha to have come from a rich and affluent family, then you are wrong. She comes from a middle class family and is indeed rich only in her Heart. 💖 Bles...