Adolf Hitler the German Politician, demagogue, and Pan German revolutionary was the leader of the Nazi Party. As a dictator, he initiated World War II in Europe. The Nazi Germans in their riot of massacring prisoners from the concentration camp were cruel enough to use Gas chamber to kill them. Until recent I kept wondering how atrocious the act was and the plight of the victims within those vicious gas chambers were, as they drew their last breath. I had never anticipated a day when a similar experience would be meted on my Mother and me in our very home. Back in the Nazi's gas chambers if it was Carbon Monoxide that was used to kill people; our home was engulfed in smoke from the cigarettes emitting Nicotine and Carbon dioxide for hours together in a day. It's surely a delight to be living in an apartment in one of the top floors. 😊 It's a sheer joy to behold the lush greenery that the city still holds with buildings towering in between them; ...