When Bhagya, a domestic help and her family were a victim of an explosion by the LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) leak; help started pouring in, in terms of money when a family Bhagya worked for put up an appeal for the same on the INTERNET. The donation not only brought Bhagya the basic necessities and medicines, but with the excess amount she even managed to build a small house for herself in her village. How delightful!😊 Thanks to the modern invention, the Internet. As for me, I am so glad that I can keep in touch with friends living far away through the Internet and my Blog can be read by people around the world. I am grateful to this beautiful innovation...!😊 Just like how Bhagya was helped; many people, animals and nature as a whole are being helped through the Net. At a click of a button on our latest gizmo, we can reach out to people living on the other side of the surface of the Earth. Probably very soon we will be able to reach out to friends living on the planet Mars. Th...