When Bhagya, a domestic help and her family were a victim of an explosion by the LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) leak; help started pouring in, in terms of money when a family Bhagya worked for put up an appeal for the same on the INTERNET. The donation not only brought Bhagya the basic necessities and medicines, but with the excess amount she even managed to build a small house for herself in her village. How delightful!😊 Thanks to the modern invention, the Internet. As for me, I am so glad that I can keep in touch with friends living far away through the Internet and my Blog can be read by people around the world. I am grateful to this beautiful innovation...!😊
Just like how Bhagya was helped; many people, animals and nature as a whole are being helped through the Net. At a click of a button on our latest gizmo, we can reach out to people living on the other side of the surface of the Earth. Probably very soon we will be able to reach out to friends living on the planet Mars. That's the power of the Internet. We Sell, Buy, Work from home, Learn new skills, Enroll ourself on an online course, Play games, Spread awareness, Support a cause, and indulge ourself in a lot more productive activities through the aid of the Net. The Internet has surly taken over half the world population. According to the Internet World Stats there are 3,73,96,98,500 Internet users as dated on March 31st 2017 and the number is still on a rise.😲 Probably when concepts of Packet Networking originated initially in many Computer Science Laboratories in the United States, United Kingdom and France in the 1960's, least did the scientists had thought that the Networking System would not only be bought by the US Department of Defense but by the entire world in the near future. So much so, it has now become an integral part of the Urban community and it is slowly creeping into the rural areas as well. It has been reported that most of the Internet users in India, access it through the cell phone. A detailed account of the Internet usage around the world will be found on the site
With all its multifacet uses of the Internet; it is very compatible, it complements our life and it is also confusing at times. For what ever reasons people use the Internet, it's not that all are Internet savvy. If there are those who are struggling with the basics of the Internet, there are those who are experts at it. There are also some others who use it for all the wrong reasons; exploitation, pornography, identity theft, hacking, bullying, stalking, trolls and crime on the Net are a few set backs.😞 A major problem that many of them are facing is the Internet Addiction. Due to which the physical and mental health of the people have been affected. The Internet has already started programming the human mind and body to an extent that we have forgotten the amount of capacity we posses. In a way the Internet to a large extent has weakened human capacity in a very short time. It is high time we take a call and wake up to the fact that the very human mind that created the Internet using only 4% capacity out of the sum total of 100% that it has, has to take charge of itself. Most people do not realise that the Internet is merely a tool. But when it is used and abused excessively, it is then that problems arise. As far as I know, many of my friends have abstained from using the social networking sites (Smart, aren't they!😉) and people like me go on an 'Internet Fast' regularly. What is INTERNET FASTING? According to ME, "it is refraining from using the Internet for any purpose for a certain period of time." You will surely not find a definition for it on the Net as it is a concept that hardly anybody knows about.
If food nourishes our body, over indulgence in consumption of food can surely invite trouble. The multi cuisine restaurants in the city are thronged with food lovers practically everyday and I wonder if their tiny stomach is ever given a break. Probably people give a break to their stomach when they are down in health. Hence the doctors have started recommending 'Fasting' as a great practice to lead a healthy life. It's not that one must Fast only during the Festivals. The Fasting that I have mentioned here does not have any religious implications. But the Fasting that which is done every month or every week. The many benefits of Fasting that I am aware of are, that it gives rest to the digestive system, it reduces weight, cleanses and detoxifies the body, and brings inner stillness promoting a spiritual connection.
Likewise, going on an 'Internet Fast' also has its benefits.😊 I don't think you will find scientifically researched benefits of Internet Fasting on the Net. As I really wonder how many people have been going on a regular Internet Fast or how many people even think about taking a break from the Internet!?! As for me, here are a few ways that I have benefited going on an Internet Fast for 4 days a week from quite some time.
It has been in my experience that while browsing through the Net, the TIME not only runs but flies at a rocket speed. The day I go on an Internet Fast, I see that I have a lot of TIME in hand. Do you like reading books? I do! It's not the e-Books, but the books from the Book Store or the Library. Books have been my good friend for quite some time. It sure doesn't emit harsh bright light like how the computer or the smart phone screen does. Reading books is an interesting activity that I indulge in while on an Internet Fast. Be it to refer a piece of information needed for my article which would go up on my Blog or a read that will leave me happy and contented, I believe books are the safest and the best.😊 It is up to the one going on an Internet Fast to channelise his energy in the right direction by probably cultivating a Hobby or by getting busy with some productive work. I have chosen reading books and writing articles during my Fast to keep myself occupied. One can choose to do so many other productive work and utilise his TIME well.
"The computer has become his second wife," was a dramatic monologue by my friend who wasn't getting adequate time and attention from her hubby dearest. Going on an Internet Fast not only gives me a lot of time which I can spend not only with my family, but also with myself. FAMILY BONDING is so important and hence we need to give 100% attention to our family. The important decisions that are taken up; the problems that which can be solved through intelligent dialogues; a delicious meal at the dining table with the family; the bonding that can be shared at an outing; most of us have been blessed with ready made friends called the family members, but we need to be ready to accept them as one; and much more can be achieved when we keep our eyes away from the computer, cell phone and even the television screen. Trust me it is a delight to spend time with children!😊 I play mind games with my little cousin brother instead of the Internet Games.
"How can you stay away from using the Internet for four days?" was a question asked to me by a friend with an expression on her face which clearly read the words, "you must have lost your mind!" I know some might think it crazy and some others stupid, but I would say it is all about SELF CONTROL. People don't seem to have self control with regard to so many things. Be it Food, Television, Sex, Gossiping, Shopping and much more. With the modern gadgets around with easily accessible internet for a nominal amount; be it in a Mall, Bus stand, Park and even with Friends, you'll find that a lot of people find it hard to disconnect from the Internet. It's sad that people are not thought SELF CONTROL, be it adults or children. It is high time we wake up to the fact that we need to take charge over our self and teach the same to the younger generation, specially in the area of using the Net.
I have let you know the few ways that Internet Fasting has helped me. Further more, going on an Internet Fast can help people SOCIALISE. Instead of purchasing items over the Net, one can walk into a Bazaar and shop. You'll never know you might bump into a friend. You'll also get a good round of exercise as you loosen those joints and work those muscles while you saunter around the Bazar. Speaking of PHYSICAL EXERCISE, it would be great to walk up to the bus stand or the autorikshaw stand or the railway station instead of booking a cab online. Moreover interacting with people at these places will help one gain new experiences and learn new things. Staying glued to the Internet will draw us into loneliness and will loose personal touch with people. Hence keep in touch with friends and relatives by making phone calls or paying them a visit once in a while, instead of sending messages to them on the social networking sites. That will surely enrich the relationship with them.😊
As mentioned before, the Internet has already started programming the human mind and body to an extent that we have forgotten how much capacity we posses physically and mentally. I am not being cynical or pessimistic, but as a matter of fact, when you look at the world that we live in and the world that our grandfathers and great grandfathers lived, 'how strong' the people in the yester years were in comparison to the present generation. Our grand fathers and their fathers had to walk for miles which took hours, just to pursue their education or career and back. The walk wasn't on clean modern roads, but the muddy and rocky roads, and also passing through hills, valleys, rivers and lakes. Today both career and education can be pursued in the cosy comforts of our home in front of the Computer. Once the Internet has been accessed, the only parts of our body that move are our fingers on the keyboard and the eyeballs in their sockets viewing the computer screen. Those who need to reach their Work Place or Educational Institutions need to book a cab on the Internet for commutation. Physical strength and stamina have become words that are in today's time applied to Soldiers or Sports Persons. It's time we move away from the computer, unhand the cell phones and other gizmos, and finally stop the Internet program the human body.
When I was a kid, I was astonished to see how my grandparents had an excellent sense of MEMORY. The entire grocery list would be fed into their super brain and not one item would go missing. The important events that took place in the society and country as a whole would be narrated with much ease. Details of the entire family tree would be well remembered by them; Birthdays and Anniversaries would never be forgotten; the names of all the uncles, aunties, their children, their friends, including their cats, dogs and the number of kittens and pups would be on the tip of their tongue; and the good and the not so good events of their life would also not slip out of their mind easily. How sad that the present generation lacks the mental ability that people in the past possessed. Today, birthdays, anniversaries, uncles, aunts, cousins and friends have all gone up on the social networking sites and the artificial intelligence do the reminding job of practically everything for us. Let us take charge of our magnanimous mind and not give a chance for the Internet to do so.
PATIENCE is a virtue! How impatient man has become. The fast food joints serve us fast food. Like wise, much quicker is the Internet which presents us the information required. Hence today's world itself is moving at a fast pace and a day won't be far when we will be moving at a supersonic speed. So much so there are people who keep checking their messages impatiently every now and then, like as if they are suffering from 'Compulsive Message Checking Disorder' (now that's a term introduced by me!😜) Many of us have lived in a time when we would wait patiently for the Postman to deliver the Letter of our friend or loved ones living miles away from us. The patient wait for the letters would prolong for weeks or even months. Once received, the joy would be immeasurable. Today people do not have the Patience to wait for a message and the joy of being acknowledged is no where. By sending letters we not only activate our creative part of the brain, the letter has a personal touch and we also learn Patience.
Write letters, jog your Memory, stay Fit, Socialise and the like sounds good. But the Working Lot wouldn't have time for all such tasks. Specially the ones who are pursuing a professional career and have to be in touch with the Internet. That's the reason I would suggest you to 'Go on an Internet Fast.' If you think you'll find it difficult, here is a solution. One can cut off from the Internet during HOLIDAYS. So let us deliberately give the Internet a Holiday as we enjoy ours with our family and friends. At least one day's holiday to the Internet should be provided in a month, if not for once a week.
For those staying at home and the students; going on an Internet Fast every week shouldn't be a problem unless and until one is an addict. For those Internet addicts who seriously want to gain control over themselves and not the Net gain control over them, I would suggest you start by staying away or putting away those gadgets that can access the Internet easily, for an hour's time. If you cannot do this all by your self, let a family member or a friend help you through this task. During that one hour's time keep your mind occupied with a different task. Do not go off to sleep. Sleep is definitely not the solution. Once you have succeeded in maintaining an hour's time of Internet Fast, increase the duration of your fast to two hours and then three and there will come a time when you will be able to stay disconnected from the Internet for twenty four hours. Hurrah!!!😄
Here is a CAUTION for those who will be going on an Internet Fast. Once you are OFF the Internet Fast there could be a tendency to use the internet excessively. So one has to be very alert and aware on the time spent browsing through the Net. It would be best if one allots a certain time in a day to browse through the Net once the Fast is broken, so that the rest of the time can be spent judiciously.
I believe that the Internet was invented as a tool to be used smartly and wisely by man. Since the Internet is easily accessible, man has started abusing it. When Internet was first let open to the world for use, no one was ever told or trained, on why to use it, how much, when and by whom. In spite of the alarming dangers that people are experiencing due to the wrong usage of the Internet, the educational institutions and the computer training institutes have not been able to do much to help people. I would draw comparison of the Internet with a sharpened Knife. The Doctors use the surgical knife in the operation theater to save the patient's life; the Chefs in the hotel use the knife to cut vegetables and meat to be cooked; and the Murderer would use the knife to kill people. Like wise, this tool called the Internet can help man in numerous ways in bettering his life or can take over his life and destroy him. So let us unhand this tool when it is not really required so that we can lead a complete normal and a healthy life. 😊
I shall start my Internet Fast soon, when do you intend to start yours??? 😉
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