Snip, Snip, Snip went the scissors across the black bouncy locks of hair of a young lass at the unisex saloon. I was amazed to see how comfortable she was inspite of a Male beautician work on her hair and get rid of her beautiful curls. He surely was skillful and the end result of his work looked artistic. I was next in row for a haircut. The thought of a man giving me a haircut almost averted me from going through a session. The dogmas that had set in my mind of a stranger especially a man's touch after series of unpleasant experiences with them, had motivated me to avoid any advances from them even if it were for a good cause. 😧 As I was busy rummaging my mind for ideas on how to kindly ask the Male beautician to refrain from handling a session for me, it took me back to the time when I was pursuing a carrier in a Non Governmental Organisation in the magnificent city of Bangalore. My work involved a lot of travelling within the city to places like Hospitals, IT Companies, Mal...