Snip, Snip, Snip went the scissors across the black bouncy locks of hair of a young lass at the unisex saloon. I was amazed to see how comfortable she was inspite of a Male beautician work on her hair and get rid of her beautiful curls. He surely was skillful and the end result of his work looked artistic. I was next in row for a haircut. The thought of a man giving me a haircut almost averted me from going through a session. The dogmas that had set in my mind of a stranger especially a man's touch after series of unpleasant experiences with them, had motivated me to avoid any advances from them even if it were for a good cause. 😧

As I was busy rummaging my mind for ideas on how to kindly ask the Male beautician to refrain from handling a session for me, it took me back to the time when I was pursuing a carrier in a Non Governmental Organisation in the magnificent city of Bangalore. My work involved a lot of travelling within the city to places like Hospitals, IT Companies, Malls, Clubs, Educational Institutions, Slum areas and many other places. The different kinds of people that I would come across while travelling made my journey interesting and some times quite displeasing. As I mostly commuted by the Government Bus, there were times when the buses that I took were empty, but most of the times the passengers were huddled in them like sheep being transported to their respective farms. 😜 If in the morning I traveled with working women and students; mid morning and afternoon would be with people from different strata of the society; and finally evenings were a frustrating time in a totally cramped section of the bus. This was a perfect time for the most scandalous affairs that would take place. Theft was common; gangs of well dressed thieves would walk into the bus to carry out their day's mission. Among the myriads of mishappenings what I dreaded the most was the perverted acts of the uncultured men. Groping women's body, molesting and masturbating in the presence of women were a common uncivilised behaviors that were witnessed by a lot of us. Sadly many of us were also a victim to these unscrupulous acts of these madlings. So much so it looked like many of these worthless men had adopted indulging in these immoral acts as their favorite pass time. 😧

I can recollect even to this day of an incident that occurred one evening while I was returning to my accommodation from my work place. I had to either take two or three buses to reach my destination every day. That fateful evening I was astonished to spot a pervert moving from one crowded bus to the other gratifying himself by squeezing against women. It was a pitiable site to see the ignorant women let the man pass. Fortunately I was cautioned of the jerk's presence when I boarded the first bus. In the middle of the journey a young lady started hurling abuses at the mischief mongerer for his immoral conduct. I realised that atrocities from these maniacs were a common phenomenon in the buses that I traveled. I felt helpless as to what I could do to safeguard myself from such gits. Blessed are the women who have had no such horrendous encounters in their life. I remember quite well a friend letting me know when in college of the weapon that she used to carry to keep such scoundrels away from her. A jumbo sized Safety Pin was all it took to do the magic. Just a jab with it would keep the maniac in pain and away from her. 😏 I wondered if I should use a weapon similar to her's, if not, a pepper spray perhaps, or a pen knife, or grow my razor sharp finger nails long. I was sure that in the process of defending myself in the crowded bus, I might end up hurting someone innocent or even myself. So I dropped the idea.

It was at the same time that I was going through a lot of stress and emotional turmoil. To hush down the myriads of negative thoughts whirling inside my head the only solution that I found was to fill myself with positive thoughts. The method that I adopted to  bring about a positive change in me was through 'Chanting positive words'. I deliberately kept my mind busy chanting a series of pleasant words which were, 'Peace, Love, Health, Happiness, Hope, Prayer', over and again most of the time. I expected the chanting to work for me in one area of my life, but surprisingly it had a miraculous effect in another area, which I didn't expect. What I realised was that ever since I had started chanting the healthy energising words, the scoundrels in the bus kept a distance from me. 😄 It also occurred to me that one needn't have to fill his mind with raunchy thoughts to attract such hooligans towards him. Any negative thought can invite disastrous events in our life. Why only in the form of perverts, it could also come in the form of ill health, strained relationships, financial loss, and the like. Hence everybody has to keep himself positively charged. In fact keeping oneself positive is the most challenging part. It is easy to advice one to do so, but for a matter of fact it isn't easy to follow. There are loose ends to this talk. Those who are willing to amplify their positive energy, I would suggest that one can adopt the Chanting technique that had helped me. We need to realise that 'Like energy attracts like energy'. It is futile to complain about the mishappenings in our life and hold others responsible for it. If we are positively charged in every respect, why would anything go wrong in our life? If at all by sheer bad luck one does encounter negative events, he will definitely handle the situation with poise. 😊

Mulling over these thoughts as I sat patiently waiting for my turn for a haircut in the unisex saloon, it struck my mind that I am not the same person that I was back while in Bangalore and that I have changed for the better. The revelation helped me drop the phobia of a man's touch. What followed next was magic. 😊 I found myself interacting with the male beautician at ease as he took me through a session of haircut very skillfully, enthusiastically, gently, happily and with respect. He had done a great job and had managed to give me a new look. God Bless him! At the end I was amazed at the fact that as the beautician's scissors Snipped across my hair, I had managed to Snip off a major portion of the dogmas that I had carried about men, specially strangers. Having adopted the line of positive thinking, I have been lucky enough to have been attracting positive people and events in my life. 😊


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