People readily do a jig even today to some of the songs of the 20th Century's celebrated American Musical group ABBA. One song in particular takes me instantly back to their time, which is 'Ring Ring'. What stands out for me in the song is the mention of the 'Phone'. The 'Telephone' was then the only smartest means to connect to people living in far off places on one to one basis. When the Scottish emigrant Alexander Grahim Bill invented the 'Telephone' in the year 1876, least did he expect his invention to evolve into better model and simultaneously change people's lives. The once upon a time device that produced clearly intelligible replication of the human voice has now evolved and is known as the 'Cell Phone'. The Cell Phone which was invented in the 1970's by Martin Cooper has now taken wings into being known as a hand held personal computer with a mobile operating system and an integrated mobile broad band cellular network called as the 'Smart Phone'.
With the many features that the Smart Phone has been launched, we find many people using it not only in the urban areas, but in rural areas as well. A considerable number of Cell Phone brands have been launching new models of Smart Phones every other day. The affluent lot in the society and those able to eke out some money to afford a smart phone for themselves are surely going gaga over the latest models released. This multifacet gadget has become an ingrained part of our life. So much so, I see that the cell phone is now being used for many other purposes and to the minimum for making phone calls. The phone is thoroughly being used for sending emails and text messages, to which a reply is received in no time; clicking photos and recording videos, which is turning every other individual into an excellent photographer or a videographer; listening to music, in a way to keep away the unscrupulous thoughts away from ones mind and not just for enjoyment; browsing the net, for a food recipe by a newly married bride and for many other purposes; creating an art, by a blooming artist; playing online games by the present day generation kids; an alarm clock to wake one up in the wee hours of the morning, and many more such easily accessible applications can be fed into this sleek looking tiny device. 😃
How many of us in today's world go around with a Pocket Calendar in our pockets? How many of us pack an Alarm Clock in our travelling bags while travelling to distant places? In the present world which is over powered by the invention of new technologies the present generation kids will be excited to see a radio or a transistor in the museum. All these things and much more are packed smartly in the form of applications into the 'Smart Phone'. The web world booming with new applications that are introduced every other day, which can be used on the mobile phone have made life extremely easy. Just think about it, it has also reduced the clutter in our house. The Phone, Contact List, Photo Camera, Video Camera, Radio, Calendar, Music Player, Stop watch, Clock, Note Pad, Photo Album, Wallet, Compass, Computer, and a whole lot of other essential stuff that are used regularly by people have surely gone missing from their home and are found in their pocket sized smart phone. 😊
The Smart Phone is surely a blessing to mankind, more so specially to those pursuing a profession or studying. A phone application that helps one create a good presentation; that helps one contact people living in distant places at the same time; if one doesn't have the needed time to go shopping, at the click of a button on the phone the goods can be bought and they are delivered instantly to ones door step. How Amazing!😃 The smart phone comes in much handy to the differently abled people and the general masses at times of emergency. The popularity of the smart phone has risen much higher than the cell phone towers. It seems in the past the business men who had to keep in touch with their clients and colleagues owned a cell phone. The cell phone which was once upon a time a luxury has today become affordable and a necessity to an extent that we find many children who are less than ten years own one, as well as do the rag pickers on the street. We can surely see that it has not only become a necessity but a means to cater to every ones urgency to connect to many people immediately. Just like the fast food being served in the eateries, there is also a demand for a super fast connection through the phone, hence the number of cell phones have also increased. According to the site, the number of mobile phone users in India was expected to rise to 730.7 million in the year 2017. Those who use Smart Phones is predicted to reach 340 million and could reach almost 468 million by 2021. Too many people in the country own more than one phone. I presume the linking of the Aadhaar Card Number in our country might bring down the number of these smart gadgets. That's because only three cell phone numbers can be linked to one Aadhaar Card number. 😉
As the cell phones are increasing, the cell phone towers are being planted in every other place for a better network frequency. Due to lack of place for planting them, we find them standing tall on top of the apartments, commercial buildings; some gazing over the public parks, residential areas and in many such people populated places. A small amount paid to the owners of these enclavements suffices the needs of both the parties. But what we fail to see and perceive is that the high amount of radiations emitted from these towers on a daily basis. Researches have proved that these radiations are highly dangerous not only to human beings but to nature as a whole. It is funny that the government announces that the cell phone towers are safe, but it surely is a matter of concern that the scientists and doctors are keeping mum about the matter. 😑
We need to wake up to the fact that living in the proximity of the cell phone tower is definitely not a pleasant affair. According to researches living within 50 m of a mobile tower is like being stuck in a microwave oven for the entire day. The Electromagnetic Radiations are cancerous elements that are lethal for health. The WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reported that mobile tower radiations are carcinogenic to humans and can cause brain cancer.
If humans can get effected by the harmful waves, so will the animal kingdom. So much so Dr. W. Loscher of the Institute of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy, Germany, has researched on cows who were kept in the close proximity of a cell phone tower for two years, and it was observed that there was a reduction in the milk production, along with increased health problems and behavioral abnormalities. Bats which are mammals and fly, their activities have reduced significantly in the areas where the towers are planted. There are many more such cases where the radiations have been effecting the animals. 😟
As I live in one of the top floors of the apartment, I enjoy watching the birds fly by the windows. Eagles, crows and pigeons are a sightable lot. I remember my home has been visited by the sparrows only twice in the many years that I have lived here. I miss listening to their chirping and see them fly about. Researches show that the cell phone towers are known to emit electromagnetic waves that are found to damage bird eggs and embryos as they cause thinning of the skulls of chicks as well as eggshells. Electromagnetic waves also interfere with the navigation sensors of the birds which they use to find their way back to their nests. 😩
If birds are vanishing from around the cell phone towers, apparently even the most beautiful insects have gone missing. Do you observe the reduction of butterflies in the city?! I have! Researches have found that Monarch butterflies and locusts migrate great distances using their antennae to sense air currents and earths electromagnetic fields. Flying ants are very sensitive to electromagnetic fields. So much so Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy an Honorary Lecturer in Biology at Imperial College London says “Cryptochromes are very badly affected by weak oscillating electromagnetic fields that are orders of magnitude weaker than the Earth’s steady magnetic field. This can disrupt both solar and magnetic navigation, which can account for colony collapse disorder in bees.” How frightening! 😲
The electromagnetic waves do not spare even the plants and trees. It is observed that the browning of tree tops near cell towers occur, especially when water is near their root base. In an observational study, it was found that the output of most fruit-bearing trees reduced drastically from 100% to 5% after 2.5 years of cell tower installation in a farm facing four cell towers in Gurgaon-Delhi Toll Naka. How miserable! 😢
While the towers play the role of the connecting comrade; on the other hand we can see its vicious waves piercing through every living being. The news paper that heralded the news of the harmful effects of the waves from the towers once upon a time, now proclaim that they are safe. We are aware of the benefits of having the cell phone tower close by. The cell phones that are to be used cautiously receive harmful energy, it is obvious that the harmful energies are received from the towers. I wonder why the researches have been dilly dallying to let the cell phone users know the truth openly, what ever it may be instead of keeping everyone in ignorance. 😒
The cell phone towers that emit terrible waves which are unseen to the naked eyes, and the cell phones that receive these waves will turn into an equally harmful device. Talking over the phone for a very long time by placing it close to the ear always heats up the ear and the portion of the head where the cell phone was placed. It's not just that, even the cell phone gets heated in the course of time. I am sure this is a phenomenon that everybody must have experienced some time or the other. We can determine this as the short term effect of the Electromagnetic Radiation on the tissues in our head region.
The waves emitted by the cell phone has been proved to be carcinogenic. En-number of researches on this fact has been proved right. So much so on 31st May 2011 the WHO stated that the mobile phone use may possibility represent a long term health risk. Medical researchers continue to examine any health risks associated with mobile phone use. Research has focused on germs, traffic accidents, cancer, electromagnetic radiation, and health effects such as changes in brain activity and sleep patterns.
Playing games on the smart phone are at times very addictive. I came across one game which I couldn't give up on. At the end of the half an hour's thorough indulgence into it, I realised that my eyes had turned red, had become small and were watering. I never thought something so terrible could happen to me.😓 I realised the dangers of the excessive use of the cell phone. So the first good deed that I did was to uninstall the game and secondly set a time limit for the use of the cell phone. Trust me it's such a relief to stay away from the phone. According to The Vision Council, more than a third of U.S. adults reported spending four to six hours a day with digital media or related electronic devices. As digital use increases, so do potential vision problems, including eye strain. Symptoms of digital eye strain include eye redness or irritation, dry eyes, blurred vision, back pain, neck pain, and headaches.
With the manifold advantages this gizmo brings along, the hazards are equally high. I believe that a warning in bold letters should be embossed on every cell phone manufactured saying, 'Using cell phone for long duration is HAZARDOUS to health. Use only when necessary.' Exactly like the warning put up on every Cigarette packet sold.
Imagine communicating from ones mind to the other with out using the five senses of our body. How wonderful that would be! We call the thought transference as 'Telepathy'. Ever since we were born, our family, friends and society has invariably motivated us to learn using our five senses. Very few among the world's population have the knowledge of the extra sensory perception. Among the few of them a minute lot know how to use it. Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Second Sightedness are a few techniques that one will be blessed with once he cleanses and activates his Energy Centers that absorb the cosmic energy also known as the Bioethric Energy from the universe and which is also very essential for our survival.
A lot of us have sound knowledge about the energies that pass by us or through us. The X-rays in the hospitals; the microwaves in the microwave oven; the wifi which is active in practically every other building; the solar waves from the sun; the mobile phones use electromagnetic radiation and many more such energies travelling in our world. Due to the interference in the cosmic energy that we receive, there is a lot of disturbance in our body. The cell phone when on, receives and sends electromagnetic radiation. When it is held to our ear while talking it interferes with two important Energy Centers (Chakras) located in the head region.
The Sahasrara Chakra or the crown chakra is generally considered the seventh primary chakra, often referred to as a thousand-petaled lotus. It is said to be the most subtle chakra in the system, relating to pure consciousness, and it is from this chakra that all the other chakras emanate. Sahasrara is related to the crown of the head. Various sources will relate it to the penial gland, hypothalamus or the pituitary gland although these are often given instead as locations of Ajña Chakra.
The Ajna Chakra or third-eye chakra, is the sixth primary chakra in the body. It is a part of the brain which can be made more powerful through meditation, yoga & other spiritual practices just as a muscle is. It signifies the subconscious mind, the direct link to the brahman (Almighty). While a person's two eyes see the physical world, the third eye is believed to reveal insights about the past and the future. The third eye chakra connects people to their intuition, gives them the ability to communicate with the world, and helps them receive messages from the past and the future. Ajna Chakra's location, is between the eyebrows at the bridge of the nose.
When the harmful radiation from the cell phone passes through the head region, it also calcifies the Penial Gland which is situated at the bottom center of the brain. The pea sized Penial Gland is considered as an important part of the brain. Spiritually as two of the energy centers namely the Sahasrara Chakra and the Ajna Chakra are rooted in this tiny gland which are extended towards the head region. As the activation of these two energy centers brings one, many psychic powers and a healthy head, calcifying of the Penial Gland will hamper the activation of the energy centers.
We see a lot of men carry their cell phone in their chest pocket, which in the long run effects the heart. The energy center in the chest region is called the Anahatha Chakra. Anahata Chakra or heart chakra is the fourth primary chakra. The heart chakra is located in the central channel of the spine near the heart. It is associated with air, touch and the actions of the hands. It is also associated with love and compassion, charity to others and psychic healing.
What a loss it is to the human race, for due to its ignorance, it has been losing out on a lot of energy and knowledge which could be attained just by letting in the Bio Ethric energy in abundance and activating and purifying the Energy Centers. The ways and means that man has been looking outside to do a lot of work at ease is actually getting complicated day after day. It's sad that he is very ignorant of the fact that everything is very much at his reach and it's all within him.
India is known as the land of spirituality, in fact the epitome. It had the spiritual wealth in abundance until it was invaded by the emperors of the foreign lands. The foreign culture and the Indian culture were intermixed and in the process the knowledge to tap into our inner self was lost, and the people started looking outward. Energy centers, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Intuition and the like have now become either a sham or a superstitious belief. We live in a time where the hazardous energy travel across us or through us. Only if people knew how and what it is to tap into the cosmic energy, humans needn't have to take the aid of the artificial harmful energy to communicate. Most of them don't seem to be interested or even bothered about the same. That's the irony! 😒
As I patiently waited in the reception at my Doctor's clinic, my attention was drawn towards a kid who seemed to be quite restless. He was running around in the room; climbing over the furnitures; and finally started tearing the medical related reading materials provided for the patients who were waiting. The kid's mother was engrossed in operating her smart phone unaware of the little ones antics. How outrageous! 😠 The child's mother finally came out of her trance and realised what was going on in the room and tried to control the child. Her efforts were futile and so she finally succumbed to the idea of keeping the child occupied by handing over her smart phone. I was surprised to see the child sit ideal in a place glaring at the phone's screen and making efforts to operate it. The enchanting powers the cell phone has the ability to mellow down a hyper active kid. I am sure many of the readers must have witnessed how parents hand over a cell phone to children to keep them occupied. It is sad how ignorant they are. The video by Dr. Devra Devis, Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadssah Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Masyis University Turkey, shows what harm the cell phone can do not only to adults but also children. It is high time that adults make sure to secure children while they are around the gizmo.
With reference to the extra sensory powers that one can develop by activating the energy centers, here is a fact about the activation of the Energy Centers in children. It has been proved that new born babies and toddlers energy centers are completely active from the time they are born. So much so that they possess powers of telepathy and can also read people's mind. Their only set back is that they cannot communicate verbally as all that they can is feel and hear. You can try this little experiment which is very safe with the toddlers at home in case they have started talking. Place the child in a room where it is comfortable being in and you place yourself in an entirely different part of the house from where you can hear the child. Once this is done, think of the child, mentally focus all the attention towards it and mentally start chanting a simple word. The word could be Doll, Apple, Ball, Car, Dog or anything that the child can pronounce. See to it that you say just one word. Don't be surprised if the child starts telling the word that you have thought of in a few moments time. So parents and guardians, your toddlers are mentally much more powerful than you are and don't get hoodwinked by their innocent looks. 😉
All of us humans possessed these powers as the energy centers were active when we were kids. Its not just telepathy or mind reading, but we were all capable of much more. But now the million dollar question is how and when did we lose these powers? As far as I know there are many factors concerned for the powers to have vanished from us which we shall look into in a different article. But everything boils down to one element, that is, the poor functioning of the energy centers. One of the reasons for this condition in the present era is the excessive use of cell phone. Out of the number of harmful vibrations that we get simmered in on everyday basis, the vibrations emitted from the cell phones and the cell phone towers add on to it.
Coming back to children, studies have shown that a cell phone given to children can not only effect their health, but also distort their concentration; inappropriate behavior due to texting and sending inappropriate pictures is a growing problem with teens; malpractice in exams; cyber-bullying; and risky pedestrian behavior, add on to the many. These are a very few problems that can effect a growing child's life. 😟
In fact many nations around the world are either banning or limiting cell phone use by children, and some under the age of twelve years old. When such is the scenario around the world the parents, teachers and society as a whole must take precaution in protecting the future generation of our nation and stop nipping its potential at the bud.
A lot of people consider the cell phone a part of their body. But it's sad that this artificial part of the body emits and receives negative vibes. How unsafe! One must realise that humans without any aid of a gizmo send and receive vibes through their emotions. Negative emotions emitted makes one sick and positive emotions energises... Like wise, it has already been proved that too much indulgence in using the phone also makes one sick. So much so that the greatest exposure to radiation from a cell phone occurs within about half a foot of the emitting antenna. So take care to keep your cell phone at least six inches away from your body parts when not in use.
It has been in my experience that off late too many videos on using the cell phone safely are being circulated through Whatsapp. Among the many videos there is one that shows how unsafe it is to receive calls when the cell phone has been put on for charging. If done so there are chances for the cell phone to explode. Hence Beware!😨 Use the phone when it is completely charged; and also do not make and receive calls when the reception is very weak. This could lead to strong radio waves that can affect ones deeper tissues of the ear and head.
When your cell phone is completely charged and the reception strong, please make sure to use the earphones while speaking and if not switch on the speaker phone. If it is inevitable to use the phone without ear phones or the speaker on; see to it that you keep your conversation short. The safest and the best way is to use the land line phone. The land line phones do not emit any harmful vibrations. Even so, we need to realise that the landline cordless phone that we use at home and office emit a lot of harmful waves. 😲
Those who find it impossible to keep their hands off the phone, I would suggest you to go on a Cell Phone Fast. You can start the fast by staying away from the handset starting with half an hours time every day, you can extend it to an hour after a month, the month after exceed it to half an hour more and probably one day you will be able to switch off your phone and stay away from it for an entire day. Do follow the steps given in my article INTERNET FASTING which was meant specifically for kicking the addiction of using the Internet. The same can be applied for getting rid of the addiction of the Cell Phone. One fine day you will realise that you have been deaddicted...
I find some of them so fond of their cell phone that they sleep not only with their phone close to their body, but also on top of it. I wonder how much of electromagnetic radiations would have passed through them the entire night. God help them! I would suggest that every one keep the phone at an arms distance while going to bed. At least when the alarm clock has to be switched off in the morning you will have to drag yourself out of bed to reach it. By then you will be awake completely.
Due to the multiple functioning properties of the cell phone and easy access to it, the number of users are increasing around the world. Statistics show that the total number of cell phone users world wide in the year 2017 was forecasted to reach 4.77 billion and it is expected to pass the 5 billion mark by 2019. The cell phone being a very essential part of our life can be updated, replaced, repaired and remodeled time and again. Be it young, old, rich, poor, beggars or the rural lot, everybody seems to own a handset. Its usage has towered to an extent that the governments in many countries have imposed restrictions to its usage, which I presume will be made more stringent in the future. Like I have mentioned earlier the cell phone has become an imperative part of ones body to many of them. So much so, thousands of years ahead from now if man manages to exist on our beautiful planet, the archaeologists will surely find human skeletons buried attached to their adorable cell phone. How Amusing!
This artificial intelligence called the cell phone which uses the man made energies and keeps itself alive, keeps us busy with it any time, anywhere unless restricted, and drops its services unless its battery dies down or is out of internet connection. It surely is a Smart device which has charmed everyone. But now when we have an insight into its effects on humans and environment as a whole, it is up to us to use it mindfully, prudentially and smartly. 😊
With the many features that the Smart Phone has been launched, we find many people using it not only in the urban areas, but in rural areas as well. A considerable number of Cell Phone brands have been launching new models of Smart Phones every other day. The affluent lot in the society and those able to eke out some money to afford a smart phone for themselves are surely going gaga over the latest models released. This multifacet gadget has become an ingrained part of our life. So much so, I see that the cell phone is now being used for many other purposes and to the minimum for making phone calls. The phone is thoroughly being used for sending emails and text messages, to which a reply is received in no time; clicking photos and recording videos, which is turning every other individual into an excellent photographer or a videographer; listening to music, in a way to keep away the unscrupulous thoughts away from ones mind and not just for enjoyment; browsing the net, for a food recipe by a newly married bride and for many other purposes; creating an art, by a blooming artist; playing online games by the present day generation kids; an alarm clock to wake one up in the wee hours of the morning, and many more such easily accessible applications can be fed into this sleek looking tiny device. 😃
How many of us in today's world go around with a Pocket Calendar in our pockets? How many of us pack an Alarm Clock in our travelling bags while travelling to distant places? In the present world which is over powered by the invention of new technologies the present generation kids will be excited to see a radio or a transistor in the museum. All these things and much more are packed smartly in the form of applications into the 'Smart Phone'. The web world booming with new applications that are introduced every other day, which can be used on the mobile phone have made life extremely easy. Just think about it, it has also reduced the clutter in our house. The Phone, Contact List, Photo Camera, Video Camera, Radio, Calendar, Music Player, Stop watch, Clock, Note Pad, Photo Album, Wallet, Compass, Computer, and a whole lot of other essential stuff that are used regularly by people have surely gone missing from their home and are found in their pocket sized smart phone. 😊
The Smart Phone is surely a blessing to mankind, more so specially to those pursuing a profession or studying. A phone application that helps one create a good presentation; that helps one contact people living in distant places at the same time; if one doesn't have the needed time to go shopping, at the click of a button on the phone the goods can be bought and they are delivered instantly to ones door step. How Amazing!😃 The smart phone comes in much handy to the differently abled people and the general masses at times of emergency. The popularity of the smart phone has risen much higher than the cell phone towers. It seems in the past the business men who had to keep in touch with their clients and colleagues owned a cell phone. The cell phone which was once upon a time a luxury has today become affordable and a necessity to an extent that we find many children who are less than ten years own one, as well as do the rag pickers on the street. We can surely see that it has not only become a necessity but a means to cater to every ones urgency to connect to many people immediately. Just like the fast food being served in the eateries, there is also a demand for a super fast connection through the phone, hence the number of cell phones have also increased. According to the site, the number of mobile phone users in India was expected to rise to 730.7 million in the year 2017. Those who use Smart Phones is predicted to reach 340 million and could reach almost 468 million by 2021. Too many people in the country own more than one phone. I presume the linking of the Aadhaar Card Number in our country might bring down the number of these smart gadgets. That's because only three cell phone numbers can be linked to one Aadhaar Card number. 😉
As the cell phones are increasing, the cell phone towers are being planted in every other place for a better network frequency. Due to lack of place for planting them, we find them standing tall on top of the apartments, commercial buildings; some gazing over the public parks, residential areas and in many such people populated places. A small amount paid to the owners of these enclavements suffices the needs of both the parties. But what we fail to see and perceive is that the high amount of radiations emitted from these towers on a daily basis. Researches have proved that these radiations are highly dangerous not only to human beings but to nature as a whole. It is funny that the government announces that the cell phone towers are safe, but it surely is a matter of concern that the scientists and doctors are keeping mum about the matter. 😑
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Cell Phone Tower |
If humans can get effected by the harmful waves, so will the animal kingdom. So much so Dr. W. Loscher of the Institute of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy, Germany, has researched on cows who were kept in the close proximity of a cell phone tower for two years, and it was observed that there was a reduction in the milk production, along with increased health problems and behavioral abnormalities. Bats which are mammals and fly, their activities have reduced significantly in the areas where the towers are planted. There are many more such cases where the radiations have been effecting the animals. 😟
As I live in one of the top floors of the apartment, I enjoy watching the birds fly by the windows. Eagles, crows and pigeons are a sightable lot. I remember my home has been visited by the sparrows only twice in the many years that I have lived here. I miss listening to their chirping and see them fly about. Researches show that the cell phone towers are known to emit electromagnetic waves that are found to damage bird eggs and embryos as they cause thinning of the skulls of chicks as well as eggshells. Electromagnetic waves also interfere with the navigation sensors of the birds which they use to find their way back to their nests. 😩
If birds are vanishing from around the cell phone towers, apparently even the most beautiful insects have gone missing. Do you observe the reduction of butterflies in the city?! I have! Researches have found that Monarch butterflies and locusts migrate great distances using their antennae to sense air currents and earths electromagnetic fields. Flying ants are very sensitive to electromagnetic fields. So much so Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy an Honorary Lecturer in Biology at Imperial College London says “Cryptochromes are very badly affected by weak oscillating electromagnetic fields that are orders of magnitude weaker than the Earth’s steady magnetic field. This can disrupt both solar and magnetic navigation, which can account for colony collapse disorder in bees.” How frightening! 😲
The electromagnetic waves do not spare even the plants and trees. It is observed that the browning of tree tops near cell towers occur, especially when water is near their root base. In an observational study, it was found that the output of most fruit-bearing trees reduced drastically from 100% to 5% after 2.5 years of cell tower installation in a farm facing four cell towers in Gurgaon-Delhi Toll Naka. How miserable! 😢
While the towers play the role of the connecting comrade; on the other hand we can see its vicious waves piercing through every living being. The news paper that heralded the news of the harmful effects of the waves from the towers once upon a time, now proclaim that they are safe. We are aware of the benefits of having the cell phone tower close by. The cell phones that are to be used cautiously receive harmful energy, it is obvious that the harmful energies are received from the towers. I wonder why the researches have been dilly dallying to let the cell phone users know the truth openly, what ever it may be instead of keeping everyone in ignorance. 😒
The cell phone towers that emit terrible waves which are unseen to the naked eyes, and the cell phones that receive these waves will turn into an equally harmful device. Talking over the phone for a very long time by placing it close to the ear always heats up the ear and the portion of the head where the cell phone was placed. It's not just that, even the cell phone gets heated in the course of time. I am sure this is a phenomenon that everybody must have experienced some time or the other. We can determine this as the short term effect of the Electromagnetic Radiation on the tissues in our head region.
The waves emitted by the cell phone has been proved to be carcinogenic. En-number of researches on this fact has been proved right. So much so on 31st May 2011 the WHO stated that the mobile phone use may possibility represent a long term health risk. Medical researchers continue to examine any health risks associated with mobile phone use. Research has focused on germs, traffic accidents, cancer, electromagnetic radiation, and health effects such as changes in brain activity and sleep patterns.
Playing games on the smart phone are at times very addictive. I came across one game which I couldn't give up on. At the end of the half an hour's thorough indulgence into it, I realised that my eyes had turned red, had become small and were watering. I never thought something so terrible could happen to me.😓 I realised the dangers of the excessive use of the cell phone. So the first good deed that I did was to uninstall the game and secondly set a time limit for the use of the cell phone. Trust me it's such a relief to stay away from the phone. According to The Vision Council, more than a third of U.S. adults reported spending four to six hours a day with digital media or related electronic devices. As digital use increases, so do potential vision problems, including eye strain. Symptoms of digital eye strain include eye redness or irritation, dry eyes, blurred vision, back pain, neck pain, and headaches.
With the manifold advantages this gizmo brings along, the hazards are equally high. I believe that a warning in bold letters should be embossed on every cell phone manufactured saying, 'Using cell phone for long duration is HAZARDOUS to health. Use only when necessary.' Exactly like the warning put up on every Cigarette packet sold.
Imagine communicating from ones mind to the other with out using the five senses of our body. How wonderful that would be! We call the thought transference as 'Telepathy'. Ever since we were born, our family, friends and society has invariably motivated us to learn using our five senses. Very few among the world's population have the knowledge of the extra sensory perception. Among the few of them a minute lot know how to use it. Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Second Sightedness are a few techniques that one will be blessed with once he cleanses and activates his Energy Centers that absorb the cosmic energy also known as the Bioethric Energy from the universe and which is also very essential for our survival.
A lot of us have sound knowledge about the energies that pass by us or through us. The X-rays in the hospitals; the microwaves in the microwave oven; the wifi which is active in practically every other building; the solar waves from the sun; the mobile phones use electromagnetic radiation and many more such energies travelling in our world. Due to the interference in the cosmic energy that we receive, there is a lot of disturbance in our body. The cell phone when on, receives and sends electromagnetic radiation. When it is held to our ear while talking it interferes with two important Energy Centers (Chakras) located in the head region.
The Sahasrara Chakra or the crown chakra is generally considered the seventh primary chakra, often referred to as a thousand-petaled lotus. It is said to be the most subtle chakra in the system, relating to pure consciousness, and it is from this chakra that all the other chakras emanate. Sahasrara is related to the crown of the head. Various sources will relate it to the penial gland, hypothalamus or the pituitary gland although these are often given instead as locations of Ajña Chakra.
The Ajna Chakra or third-eye chakra, is the sixth primary chakra in the body. It is a part of the brain which can be made more powerful through meditation, yoga & other spiritual practices just as a muscle is. It signifies the subconscious mind, the direct link to the brahman (Almighty). While a person's two eyes see the physical world, the third eye is believed to reveal insights about the past and the future. The third eye chakra connects people to their intuition, gives them the ability to communicate with the world, and helps them receive messages from the past and the future. Ajna Chakra's location, is between the eyebrows at the bridge of the nose.
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Energy Centers in a Human Body |
We see a lot of men carry their cell phone in their chest pocket, which in the long run effects the heart. The energy center in the chest region is called the Anahatha Chakra. Anahata Chakra or heart chakra is the fourth primary chakra. The heart chakra is located in the central channel of the spine near the heart. It is associated with air, touch and the actions of the hands. It is also associated with love and compassion, charity to others and psychic healing.
Yet another place the cell phone is carried is in the pant pocket. We know how terribly the cell phone radiation effects the gonads and the abdomen region. The energy center that is situated in this region is the Svadhishthana Chakra. Svadhishthana or sacral chakra, is the second primary chakra. This chakra is associated with the unconscious mind and with emotion. It is associated with the element of water, the sense of taste (the tongue) and the act of procreation (the genitals). It is often associated with the testes and ovaries. They produce the hormones testosterone or estrogen, which influence sexual behaviors. They are stored in areas where genetic information lies dormant.
What a loss it is to the human race, for due to its ignorance, it has been losing out on a lot of energy and knowledge which could be attained just by letting in the Bio Ethric energy in abundance and activating and purifying the Energy Centers. The ways and means that man has been looking outside to do a lot of work at ease is actually getting complicated day after day. It's sad that he is very ignorant of the fact that everything is very much at his reach and it's all within him.
India is known as the land of spirituality, in fact the epitome. It had the spiritual wealth in abundance until it was invaded by the emperors of the foreign lands. The foreign culture and the Indian culture were intermixed and in the process the knowledge to tap into our inner self was lost, and the people started looking outward. Energy centers, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Intuition and the like have now become either a sham or a superstitious belief. We live in a time where the hazardous energy travel across us or through us. Only if people knew how and what it is to tap into the cosmic energy, humans needn't have to take the aid of the artificial harmful energy to communicate. Most of them don't seem to be interested or even bothered about the same. That's the irony! 😒
As I patiently waited in the reception at my Doctor's clinic, my attention was drawn towards a kid who seemed to be quite restless. He was running around in the room; climbing over the furnitures; and finally started tearing the medical related reading materials provided for the patients who were waiting. The kid's mother was engrossed in operating her smart phone unaware of the little ones antics. How outrageous! 😠 The child's mother finally came out of her trance and realised what was going on in the room and tried to control the child. Her efforts were futile and so she finally succumbed to the idea of keeping the child occupied by handing over her smart phone. I was surprised to see the child sit ideal in a place glaring at the phone's screen and making efforts to operate it. The enchanting powers the cell phone has the ability to mellow down a hyper active kid. I am sure many of the readers must have witnessed how parents hand over a cell phone to children to keep them occupied. It is sad how ignorant they are. The video by Dr. Devra Devis, Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadssah Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Masyis University Turkey, shows what harm the cell phone can do not only to adults but also children. It is high time that adults make sure to secure children while they are around the gizmo.
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A snippet from the News Paper, Deccan Herald dated 29th November 2017, Page No. 6. |
All of us humans possessed these powers as the energy centers were active when we were kids. Its not just telepathy or mind reading, but we were all capable of much more. But now the million dollar question is how and when did we lose these powers? As far as I know there are many factors concerned for the powers to have vanished from us which we shall look into in a different article. But everything boils down to one element, that is, the poor functioning of the energy centers. One of the reasons for this condition in the present era is the excessive use of cell phone. Out of the number of harmful vibrations that we get simmered in on everyday basis, the vibrations emitted from the cell phones and the cell phone towers add on to it.
Coming back to children, studies have shown that a cell phone given to children can not only effect their health, but also distort their concentration; inappropriate behavior due to texting and sending inappropriate pictures is a growing problem with teens; malpractice in exams; cyber-bullying; and risky pedestrian behavior, add on to the many. These are a very few problems that can effect a growing child's life. 😟
In fact many nations around the world are either banning or limiting cell phone use by children, and some under the age of twelve years old. When such is the scenario around the world the parents, teachers and society as a whole must take precaution in protecting the future generation of our nation and stop nipping its potential at the bud.
A lot of people consider the cell phone a part of their body. But it's sad that this artificial part of the body emits and receives negative vibes. How unsafe! One must realise that humans without any aid of a gizmo send and receive vibes through their emotions. Negative emotions emitted makes one sick and positive emotions energises... Like wise, it has already been proved that too much indulgence in using the phone also makes one sick. So much so that the greatest exposure to radiation from a cell phone occurs within about half a foot of the emitting antenna. So take care to keep your cell phone at least six inches away from your body parts when not in use.
It has been in my experience that off late too many videos on using the cell phone safely are being circulated through Whatsapp. Among the many videos there is one that shows how unsafe it is to receive calls when the cell phone has been put on for charging. If done so there are chances for the cell phone to explode. Hence Beware!😨 Use the phone when it is completely charged; and also do not make and receive calls when the reception is very weak. This could lead to strong radio waves that can affect ones deeper tissues of the ear and head.
When your cell phone is completely charged and the reception strong, please make sure to use the earphones while speaking and if not switch on the speaker phone. If it is inevitable to use the phone without ear phones or the speaker on; see to it that you keep your conversation short. The safest and the best way is to use the land line phone. The land line phones do not emit any harmful vibrations. Even so, we need to realise that the landline cordless phone that we use at home and office emit a lot of harmful waves. 😲
Those who find it impossible to keep their hands off the phone, I would suggest you to go on a Cell Phone Fast. You can start the fast by staying away from the handset starting with half an hours time every day, you can extend it to an hour after a month, the month after exceed it to half an hour more and probably one day you will be able to switch off your phone and stay away from it for an entire day. Do follow the steps given in my article INTERNET FASTING which was meant specifically for kicking the addiction of using the Internet. The same can be applied for getting rid of the addiction of the Cell Phone. One fine day you will realise that you have been deaddicted...
I find some of them so fond of their cell phone that they sleep not only with their phone close to their body, but also on top of it. I wonder how much of electromagnetic radiations would have passed through them the entire night. God help them! I would suggest that every one keep the phone at an arms distance while going to bed. At least when the alarm clock has to be switched off in the morning you will have to drag yourself out of bed to reach it. By then you will be awake completely.
Due to the multiple functioning properties of the cell phone and easy access to it, the number of users are increasing around the world. Statistics show that the total number of cell phone users world wide in the year 2017 was forecasted to reach 4.77 billion and it is expected to pass the 5 billion mark by 2019. The cell phone being a very essential part of our life can be updated, replaced, repaired and remodeled time and again. Be it young, old, rich, poor, beggars or the rural lot, everybody seems to own a handset. Its usage has towered to an extent that the governments in many countries have imposed restrictions to its usage, which I presume will be made more stringent in the future. Like I have mentioned earlier the cell phone has become an imperative part of ones body to many of them. So much so, thousands of years ahead from now if man manages to exist on our beautiful planet, the archaeologists will surely find human skeletons buried attached to their adorable cell phone. How Amusing!
This artificial intelligence called the cell phone which uses the man made energies and keeps itself alive, keeps us busy with it any time, anywhere unless restricted, and drops its services unless its battery dies down or is out of internet connection. It surely is a Smart device which has charmed everyone. But now when we have an insight into its effects on humans and environment as a whole, it is up to us to use it mindfully, prudentially and smartly. 😊
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