Food glorious food! Who doesn't enjoy his grub when famished? Food not only nourishes the body but a tasty healthy delight also rejuvenates  the mind and the spirit.😊 In the series, 'A Sumptuous Dine' you will find Food viewed from four different angles. Titles being 'Nibble on this...', 'The Right dish', 'Serving with love', and 'A Spiritual Sup'. Once you absorb the contents of the posts into your mind, the next time you grab a bite to eat, you might probably look at the Food on your platter with a new perspective. So go ahead and savor the reads!😋


"He is such a fuss pot!" said a young irritated mother to her friend in a restaurant as she tried to shove some vegetables into her little son's tiny mouth which was making every effort to evade the spoon's advances. With a glum she further let know, "Chips, chocolates and biscuits, that's what he likes to survive on." Most mothers would have gone through this phase at some point in their life. As I was famished and was waiting for my grub to be served, the whole episode of the fussy kid reminded me of my mother's words to me when I refused to eat the food prepared by her with lots of love when I was a kid. "There are so many people out there who do not have food to eat...", were her words that were often told to me and have remained etched on my mind for good.

I don't remember going to bed on a hungry stomach even a single night. I feel astonished, sorry and sad when I learn of others experiences about how they went hungry for days without food. When I think about it, even today there are millions of people who struggle to get a single morsel of food to eat in a day. I am sure it is a nightmare to live in countries like Zambia, Yemen, Chad, Sudan and a few more where the people there are starving to death.😢 Did you know? According to Concern World Wide U.S., "Worldwide, 815 million people still go hungry — a staggering figure that translates into one out of nine people." That's a fact that is excruciatingly painful to know. The good news is that knowing this fact people around the world are not sitting back contented with their bellies full. It's human to cater to the needs of the less privileged. A lot of work has been going on in that sector throughout the world. 

In my view food divides the world into two halves. We have the well fed on one hand and the malnourished or starving lot on the other. The have nots suffer from food deprivation. There are people who are born into the world of starvation, live through it and die out of starvation. And if one is lucky, a generous heart may feed their starving stomach. On the other hand we have the well fed or the over fed. One would find in their belly multi flavors from the ghee coated desi food to the exciting and lip smacking cheese coated pizzas; the jumbo juicy burgers; the crispy french fries, chips; all kinds of junk food; the garlic and vinegar simmered rice and noodles; and food from around the world. Believe me, I come from the over fed world.😜 But you will be surprised to know that a lot of people die not of hunger, but from over eating! That's bizarre, but a fact that has been staring into our face since long which has been going unnoticed.

There are many reasons why people over eat. If unhealthy life style and wrong information on eating habits is one. We know that Stress is a major problem in today's world and a lot of people take the aid of food to revive themselves. Back in college a friend who otherwise was figure conscious let me know that she used to Binge Eat at times of stress. People binge eat due to different reasons. If stress is one factor, health disorders could be another. Binge Eating is considered as an eating disorder. It has been proved that most cases of eating disorders can be treated successfully by trained health and mental health care professions.

Be it an executive board meeting or a get together or a visit to a relative's house, food is always an important part of the occasion. When I see people gorging on food during such occasions, I wonder what happens to the excessive food that goes untouched. Food goes wasted practically everyday, in hotels, weddings, parties, and sadly even in our own home. Did you know? According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations "Roughly one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year - approximately 1.3 billion tonnes go wasted. The world produces 17% more food per person today than 30 years ago. But close to a billion people go to sleep hungry every night". Just imagine the tonnes of food that gets wasted can actually satiate the hungry stomach of the millions of people. If only people realised this stark truth no one would waste another morsel of food.😐

The solution to wastage of food is not to overload ones fist size stomach. Instead, if one intends to dine at a hotel, the best thing to do is to order the right amount of food which can be consumed easily and completely. In case the food has been ordered excessively, the untouched food can be parceled and consumed during later hours or can be given away to an impoverished stomach. At other grand and important occasions, a helping of the right amount of food on to the platter would be a good solution. While at home, cooking the right amount of food that which can be consumed completely by every family member would be the right thing to do.😊

It's not a hard fast rule that one needs to eat three times a day. A sumptuous meal twice a day will not only keep one alive but will surely keep him strong and healthy. Let none of us see the day when people go on a rally across the country in the name of saving food, just like the one in the recent past which was carried out to save the rivers of our nation. That is a thought that we seriously have to nibble on. 😶


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